Tuesday, July 13, 2010

First Taste of Chocolate....

The Song:
Act Too (Love of My Life) by: The Roots
I've been a fan of The Roots for a long time... probably not as long as I should have been.  Black Thought and Questlove never fail to impress me beyond words.  They are true poets.  I love that they take basic rock and roll chords in C major, and build on it... a little drums, a little piano, hit the back beat throw in a martha washington wanna be singing back up and then the let it off rapping lyrics.  How can you hate that?  It gives even the whitest white people rhythm.

The Date:
First Taste of Chocolate....
I've always tried to be an equal opportunity dater.  I'm attracted to all kinds of men, all shapes and all sizes. A years or so ago I was on this kick of going down into the city early Saturday mornings, heading to a coffee shop and just catching up on reading and being BY MYSELF!  It was particularly crowded one morning so I grabbed the last seat in between an older woman who happened to be a heavy breather (awesome, great... perfect), and the most beautiful light skinned black man I had ever seen.  Now I was in a questionable part of the city - and by questionable I'm referring to peoples sexuality... in this section of the city ANYONE could be gay.  So I didn't really think twice about sitting down b/c I just figured I'd be spending my morning sitting in between Chewbacca and a beautiful gay man.

After about 15 minutes of reading and three sips of my non fat, no whip, white mocha, I noticed the beautiful man was reading over my shoulder.  Great, I was reading "The Devil Wears Prada" so this confirms both our love for the penis.  I turned to him and caught him looking and he smiled and said "Sorry I was trying to figure out what you were reading" and I said "haha why?" (oh I'm so shy and girly), and he replied "So I had something to say to you when I got up enough courage to talk to you".  HE STRAIT!  YESSSSS!

His name was Theo, yes I know black... Theo... no he wasn't on the Cosby Show so get it out of your system now.  He had light skin and green eyes, I'm pretty sure they were contacts buuuut lets just humor me. He had on this rugged, worn gray t-shirt, and these worn out jeans with tears and paint on them; best of all he had on JCrew moccasins.  I love it!  He had a broad chest and muscular arms, lets just say he filled out his t-shirt well.

Turns out he was a free lance writer from Boston, in the city for a few months doing some work for Philly Mag.  We talked all morning, and he eventually asked if he could take me to lunch. We walked out of the coffee shop and down the street to this cute little bistro and I couldn't help but watch him walk.  He had this stride, this swagger, his energy was so bright.  He turned back and said "you lookin at my ass?"  a maybe I was a little.

 So we had lunch and about half way through we noticed neither of us had touched what we ordered.  It wasn't because it wasn't delicious; we were so enthralled with each other we didn't want to take the time to do anything else but talk.

About two hours later he walked me to my car and we exchanged numbers.  We had planned to meet the next night for dinner and whatever the night had in store for us.  I dont' even think I answered any phone calls or texts messages between meeting him and dinner the next night, other then Theo's.  We had a blast, we had dinner, we went to Zanzibar and listened to blues... he listened to what I said about being raised on Jazz which in turn led me to the Blues.  We danced, we drank we talked... and then we made out.  The Best Kisser Ever.  He kissed me with purpose, as far as he was concerned we were the only people in the room.... in the city.... in the world.

He asked if I wanted to come back to his hotel, surprisingly for me... I said no.   We saw each other once more before he left to go back to Boston.  He still lives there.... I still live here... I have plans to visit a friend in October up in Boston... maybe Theo will get a call.

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